Talking Tech, to Non-Tech

Aug 17, 2020 • 3 mins

Early in my career, I attended a workshop to bridge the gap between technical and non-technical people when discussing technical concepts. The session emphasized the use of analogies to explain concepts and catering to different learning styles, such as visual aids.

Simplifying Technical Jargon

To communicate tech concepts to non-technical individuals, analogies are invaluable.

The Barrier of Technical Jargon

In the tech world, complex terminology and buzzwords are commonplace. While they serve a purpose among peers, they can hinder communication with non-technical individuals.

Harnessing the Power of Analogies

Analogies act as bridges, simplifying intricate tech concepts for the non-technical. They make the unfamiliar more accessible, fostering better understanding and collaboration.

Striking the Balance

Balancing the use of technical jargon and analogies is key. Precision is vital in technical discussions, but in broader contexts, simplification enhances communication, collaboration, and innovation.

Types of Applications

Applications can be web-based (run in browsers), desktop (run on a computer), or mobile (run on phones). Examples like Netflix, Spotify, and Instagram show the diversity of platforms.

In simplified terms, an application's Stack includes a Client (the end-user with a Laptop or Mobile device), a Server (handles requests, processes data, and communicates with the Database), and a Database (stores information). Think of this stack like a person withdrawing money from a bank:

  1. Front-end -> Person/Client
  2. Server -> Bank Teller
  3. Database -> Money Stash

Understanding APIs

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are communication tools for technology. Think of ordering fast food: the client orders, the server takes the order, and the chefs in the kitchen fulfill it. An API is like the menu, specific to the restaurant you're at.

If you go to Burger King and order a Big Mac, the server will not understand that request as it is not on their Menu.

Team Dynamics

Different types of team members, including detectives, cowboys, artists, and mad scientists, each have distinct work styles and motivations. Recognizing these differences can improve team collaboration.

Click here to read the full article on these archetypes here.

The Coding Process

Developers need uninterrupted time to code effectively. Minimize interruptions by scheduling meetings in blocks, improving productivity.

Future Technology

Full-stack development offers efficiency by using one language across all stack components. Libraries like React can translate web apps into desktop and mobile versions. Distributed technology, like blockchain, shares data across a network, reducing the risk of single points of failure and enhancing security.